Friday, February 25, 2005


Friday Night

If you work in the UK or America you will be used to going out for a few drinks after work on a Friday. It happens here too, but with a few differences.

So I will soon be heading off to Donny's Bar on the seafront (open air) for the usual Friday night after-work gathering. A wide variety of people will be there, including various members of the government and most probably the bishop. We will have a few drinks - some a few more than others - and probably some of Donny's excellent Wahoo & Chips (it's a sort of barracuda) or a Goat Curry.

However, unlike the UK and (as I remember it) America, my wife and kids will join us after their swim (large public open-air pool with an entrance fee of 40p per person), which means I won't have any music to face when I get home. The kids can play hapily with other kids on the seafront and will doubtless make a few new friends.

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